Install Extensions for Self-compiled PostgresQL
If when installing Postgres, you choose to download the source code to compile and install it, and you didn't run make world
when you do the make
, you will get an installed pg without some extensions, such as pg_stat_statements
. So, this article will try to solve this problem: how to install extensions for pg after compiling and installing.
Let's take pg_stat_statements
as an example and see how it works. Of course there is a prerequisite here - the directory used to compile pg in the first place is not deleted.
First, look at the pg source directory and you can see that there is a directory named contrib
$ ls
aclocal.m4 config config.log config.status configure contrib COPYRIGHT doc GNUmakefile HISTORY INSTALL Makefile README src
In this directory, we can see the extension packages:
$ cd contrib
$ ls
It's all here.
adminpack btree_gist dblink fuzzystrmatch intarray Makefile pgcrypto pg_stat_statements README start-scripts tsm_system_rows xml2
auth_delay chkpass dict_int hstore isn oid2name pg_freespacemap pgstattuple seg tablefunc tsm_system_time
auto_explain citext dict_xsyn hstore_plperl lo pageinspect pg_prewarm pg_trgm sepgsql tcn unaccent
bloom earthdistance hstore_plpython ltree passwordcheck pgrowlocks pg_visibility spi test_decoding uuid-ossp
btree_gin cube file_fdw intagg ltree_plpython pg_buffercache pg_standby postgres_fdw sslinfo tsearch2 vacuumlo
Assuming we want to install pg_stat_statements, the steps are fairly simple, and the other extension packages are installed in a similar way:
$ cd pg_stat_statements
$ make
$ sudo make install
The official documentation is here, it doesn't specify where to execute make && make install at first so it's rather confusing.