


Deduction vs. Induction vs. Abduction - Different Ways to Reason and Draw Conclusions

我这段时间在看《福尔摩斯》系列的小说。无论是《血字的研究》还是《四签名》,其中都会有一章的标题叫做“演绎学”(The Science of Deduction)。这引起了我的好奇——究竟什么是演绎推理?我们知道还有其他的推理模式,比如归纳推理、溯因推理(诱导推理),它们究竟有什么不同?


Deduction 演绎推理


  • 大前提:所有人类都会死亡。
  • 小前提:小明是人类。
  • 结论:小明会死亡。

Induction 归纳推理


  • 十个人中,有九个人都说《血字的研究》是本好书
  • 结论:《血字的研究》是本好书

Abduction 溯因推理



A. 我吃了不干净的食物; B. 我吃了让我肠胃过敏的食物。



Deduction, Induction和 Abduction都有相同的后缀 -duct,它来自拉丁语的ducere,意为 "to lead",引导。

deduction的前缀 de- 来自拉丁语,意为 "down, off, away, from among, down from"。因此deduction字面上有 "lead from" 即“从已知前提,推理出结论”的意思。

induction的前缀 in- 来自拉丁语,意为 "into, in, on, upon",所以 induction 字面上的意思是 "lead into, bring in",即 “从观察到的现象中,总结概括出一个结论”。

abduction 的前缀 ab 来自拉丁语,意为 "off, away from"。abduct这个单词可以被理解为“远离原来的路径或方向,被引导到新的路径或方向上”,可引申出“通过对可能的情况进行推理、分析和研究,得出合理的结论或解释”的意思。


在《生活大爆炸》第二季第十五集中,Leonard在通电话,从他的台词和语气看,显示不是什么令人高兴的事。这时候 Sheldon 做了一番演绎推理。虽然结果不正确,但是非常有趣。让我用他们的台词结束这篇文章吧。

Leonard (entering on the phone): I’m really very busy. Is there any way that we can put this off until I have more time to prepare? Of course. But, uh, you understand my trepidation.

Penny: What’s that about?

Howard: Not a clue.

Leonard: Can’t we just postpone it till the spring? Maybe next summer?

Sheldon: This should be fairly easy to deduce. He’s holding the phone to his left ear. Ears do not cross hemispheres, so he’s using the analytical rather than the emotional side of the brain, suggesting that he has no personal relationship with the caller.

Leonard: No, I didn’t realize it had been so long. Sure, I guess there’s no other choice but to just go ahead and do it.

Sheldon: He’s referring to an activity he has done before. It’s unpleasant and needs to be repeated. This suggests some sort of invasive medical test, like perhaps a colonoscopy.

Leonard: Aren’t there any other options? There’s not a lot of room, it’s gonna be uncomfortable.

Sheldon: Yes, yes. Yeah, I’m definitely going with colonoscopy.

Leonard: Okay, bye. My mother’s coming to visit.

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