


On Reading the Prince and Comparison on Translation Services

最近考虑更换手机的云服务商,所以在清理相册,减少迁移的成本,也算是“和过去说再见”,“不被回忆所累”。其中发现我在2017年读英文版的《君主论》The Prince时留下的一些截图,我并不能准确记忆截下那些句子的原因,是因为它们有哲理可以学习,还是作为英语的长难句可以分析。但时至今日,我发现依旧无法顺利阅读它们,就算我可以习惯倒装的虚拟语气,我也并不能连贯理解,所以也尝试了一些翻译工具,看看那个翻译的效果更好。

这里,我对比了 5 个翻译工具:

  1. Google Translation AI
  2. Microsoft Azure Translator
  3. Amazon Translate
  4. DeepL API
  5. OpenAI (Chat GPT)


这是第四章“论亚历山大大帝所征服的大流士王国在其崩逝后为何未反抗新君 (Chapter IV: Why the Kingdom of Darius, Conquered by Alexander, Did Not, on Alexander's Death, Rebel Against His Successors)”里面的一段话:

…they are not easily corrupted, or if corrupted can render little assistance, being unable, as I have already explained, to carry the people with them. Whoever, therefore, attacks the Turk must reckon on finding a united people, and must trust rather to his own strength than to divisions on the other side. But were his adversary once overcome and defeated in the field, so that he could not repair his armies, no cause for anxiety would remain, except in the family of the Prince; which being extirpated, there would be none else to fear; for since all beside are without credit with the people, the invader, as before his victory he had nothing to hope from them, So after it has nothing to dread.

这是 DeepL 翻译的版本:


也试了 Google 的翻译,和DeepL的翻译一字不差(这里就不贴上来了),可能是因为这本书有成熟的翻译吧。

ChatGPT (GPT3.5)的翻译,感觉是有一点创造力,但是在翻译出现一些错误,比如 “must reckon on finding a united people” 这一部分:


微软Azure 的翻译:


可以看出有一些地方有提高,比如“被腐蚀”和“腐败”的换词,但也有一些地方存在问题,比如 “were his adversary once overcome and defeated in the field” 翻译成了 “一旦在战场上被击败并被击败”出现了重复的词。据说微软和OpenAI是有合作的,所以这种看似自由的翻译成分是不是也是来自GPT的模型呢?

Amazon Translate 的翻译,感觉里面不自然的地方太多了:



DeepL = Google > Microsoft Azure > ChatGPT > AWS




这样看,性价比最高的其实是Microsoft Azure。

下面继续选择一些我之前摘抄的片段,使用 DeepL 进行分析。

第八章 论以罪行建国之君主 (Chapter VIII: Of Those Who By Their Crimes Come to Be Princes):

Hence we may learn the lesson that on seizing a state, the usurper should make haste to inflict what injuries he must, at a stroke, that he may not have to renew them daily, but be enabled by their discontinuance to reassure men's minds, and afterwards win them over by benefits. Whosoever, either through timidity or from following bad counsels, adopts a Contrary course, must keep the sword always drawn, and can put no trust in his subjects, who suffering from continued and constantly renewed severities, will never yield him their confidence. Injuries, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savour being less lasting may the less offend; whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little, that so they may be more fully relished.




第十二章 论军队的种类与雇佣军 (Chapter XII: How Many Different Kinds of Soldiers There Are, and of Mercenaries):

But I desire to demonstrate still more clearly the untoward character of these forces. Captains of mercenaries are either able men or they are not. If they are, you cannot trust them, since they will always seek their own aggrandizement, either by overthrowing you who are their master, or by the overthrow of others contrary to your desire. On the other hand, if your captain be not an able man the chances are you will be ruined. And if it be said that whoever has arms in his hands will act in the same way whether he be a mercenary or no, I answer that when arms have to be employed by a Prince or a Republic …




The Milanese, in like manner, when Duke Filippo died, took Francesco Sforza into their pay to conduct the war against the Venetians. But he, after defeating the enemy at Caravaggio, combined with them to overthrow the Milanese, his masters. His father too while in the pay of Giovanna, Queen of Naples, suddenly left her without troops, obliging her, in order to save her kingdom, to throw herself into the arms of the King of Aragon.

And if it be said that in times past the Venetians and the Florentines have extended their dominions by means of these arms, and that their captains have served them faithfully, without seeking to make themselves their masters,I answer that in this respect the Florentines have been fortunate because among those …




第十九章 论君主应避免受鄙视及憎恨 (Chapter XIX: That a Prince Should Seek to Escape Contempt and Hatred):

Whence it followed that those Emperors who had not inherited or won for themselves such authority as enabled them to keep both people and soldiers in check, were always ruined. The most of them, and those especially who came to the Empire new and without experience, seeing the difficulty of dealing with these conflicting humours, set themselves to satisfy the soldiers, and made little account of offending the people. And for them this was a necessary course to take; for as Princes cannot escape being hated by some, they should, in the first place, endeavour not to be hated by a class; failing in which, they must do all they can to escape the hatred of that class which is the stronger. Wherefore those Emperors who, by reason of their newness, stood in need of extraordinary support, sided with …




  1. AWS翻译之不好,以及微软翻译之好是我没想到的;另外就是关于OpenAI,其实它的可能性非常多,因为其API,比起ChatGPT,会有不同的模型和参数可以选择。

  2. 《君主论》这本书小小的,论述也不算复杂,不过,要读懂的话,不仅需要扎实的英语知识(很多省略和倒装),还需要对西方历史比较了解;但是其思维很清晰,治国或者治理公司都很适用。

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